Friday, February 16, 2007

Reflections from the week ...

This past week, at Thursday's StoryTime, a smaller-than usual group gathered in a circle on the floor in the Children's area, the brave few who ventured in -OVER- the not-yet-shoveled snow bank outside the Library's door! (HUGE apologies to all, as this should have been taken care of BEFORE the Library opened its doors at 10am!) Anyhow, I just wanted to share the dynamics of this dedicated group ... after reading the very-fun new books, Tippy-Tippy-Tippy-HIDE! and Move Over, Rover! I read Terrible Storm, a new picture book based on the author's memories of her grandfathers' retelling of their own experiences during the Blizzard of 1888 in Westfield, MA. When I finished reading, all the parents and I entered into our own storytelling of OUR memories of the Blizzard of 1978, here in New England, and joked about how, maybe someday, our grandkids may write a silly book about us!

Just goes to show that you're never too old for StoryTime, and there's always something for everyone here at the Library!
Stay warm!

1 comment:

*Lisa* said...

I just received this email from one of the storytime Dads ... "Thanks, Lisa. You are doing an excellent job! Erin & I really enjoy story time at the Upton Public Library."
And Thank YOU, Marty, for sharing your snowstorm memories with us and bringing your enthusiasm to our group each week. It's great to have fathers attending storytimes, too!